Friday, September 24, 2004

Bill Frist Announces "Peace in our time!"

On the 30th day of September, 1938, British Prime Minister Neville Chamberlain returned from the conference at Munich, where the Sudetenland was ceded to Nazi Germany without the firing of a single shot. In front of 10 Downing Street that evening, he read a statement and then gave his countrymen the following assurance.

"My good friends, for the second time in our history, a British Prime Minister has returned from Germany bringing peace with honour. I believe it is peace for our time... Go home and get a nice quiet sleep."

Since the first days of the Bush administration, Senate Democrats have obstructed a number of judicial nominations. The administration has not been tough enough on this issue. From day one, the President should have insisted on an up or down vote on his nominees, with the threat of a recess appointment for all who did not receive should a vote within 100 days. If the president has lacked bravado on this issue, the Senate Republicans have been worse. Whenever a senator signals that they will fillibuster a nominee, Republicans head for the hills. Why not force the Democrats to physically hold the floor until they can do so no longer? Why not force them to send that message to the public? Why not force them to delay popular legislation? Are we that gun shy after the shutdown of 1996, that we don't pick a fight even when we're right and we would win? Wouldn't it just be fun to see Ted Kennedy try to stand for hours on end? Obstructionism should come with it a price.

The Hill reports the hasty retreat of Senate Republicans over the issue of judicial nominations. I was concerned about Bill Frist when he became majority leader; I thought he lacked gravitas, lacked guts. He didn't get the job the right way. Tennessee's fortunate son has no record of fighting for anything in his life, no record of triumph in the face of adversity. Ted Kennedy and Tom Daschle would eat his lunch. Unfortunately, I was right.

"The GOP plan to force Democrats to sustain repeatedly their filibuster of conservative judicial nominees dissipated in the face of looming legislative priorities, which include reform of the nation’s intelligence agencies and 12 unfinished annual appropriations bills."

"Frist did predict, however, that he will “likely bring up judges at some point.”"

Whoa, settle down tough guy!

The Senate Republicans have let down their supporters, and let down the nominees whose lives are now in limbo. But hey, at least Ted Kennedy didn't get cross with Bill Frist.

Bill Frist has presidential designs in 2008. He does not have the toughness to win a presidential election, and does not have the gravitas to serve.

Republicans need a Churchill, not a Chamberlain.

Go home and get a quiet nights sleep.


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