Wednesday, September 15, 2004

Free Advice For Kerry, 2: Assault Weapons Ban

68% of Americans are with you on the assault weapons ban.

  • Time for an ad featuring a real police officer, saying goodbye to his family in the morning (it's time for reality campaign commercials).
  • This officer should explain why he and the national police organizations are supporting John Kerry for president.
  • The ad should feature a widow of a police officer who was killed with an assault weapon prior to the ban in 1994.

Senator Kerry

The 2nd Amendment enthusiasts are not voting for you anyway. Hang the National Rifle Association around Bush's neck like an albatross. America is split between the rural and urban vote. Suburbia is the battleground. Here some gun control and limited abortion rights are supported. Clear contrast with your opponent, where the public is behind you. You have less than two months left.


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