Friday, September 10, 2004

Scott Robinson, Ivy League Tough Guy, Hits Women

Sorry in advance for the anger in this post. Nothing gets me angrier than violence against women, except perhaps when that violence comes from a privileged little ivy league tough guy when the woman is being held down.

At a recent speech by White House Chief of Staff Andrew Card, ivy league tough guy Scott Robinson kicked a protester (with his Cole Haan loafers) who was on the ground, being restrained by three secret service agents. Watch out Scott Robinson, you might muss up your dockers. I am certain that Scott Robinson has referred to Democrats as "sissies" and "cowards." What makes this whole situation so much more appalling is that the protester was a woman, a small woman (who doubtless would have beaten him up had she been standing). Apparently, being a man means assaulting women who are already being held on the ground. I have not been so embarrassed to be a Republican since Al Franken punked Rich Lowry. Watch the video here:

Hats off to Reason: Hit and Run for putting together the evidence proving the identity of the ivy league tough guy, Scott Robinson.

"Yesterday, I reported that numerous people believed that they knew the identity of the person who appears in this video, purportedly kicking a restrained protester: They believe the person on the tape is Wharton student Scott Robinson, who interned in Washington, D.C. this summer. At this point eight of them, seven D.C. interns and a University of Pennsylvania political science student who says he lived across the hall from Robinson for a year, have provided comments for attribution, claiming to be certain the person on the convention video is the student and intern they know. (Various others have sent anonymous statements to myself and other bloggers to similar effect.)"

Atrios blog has a photograph of the ivy league tough guy, while he interned at the National Taxpayers Union.

For his part, Scott Robinson has denied any part in the attack, which proves that he is even more of a sorry failure of a man. Scott, I'm about your size, 5'11'', 175 pounds. Please contact me if you'd like to try to kick me.

I wanted to list Scott's email, so that you could contact him with your thoughts on violence against women. His UPenn email address is now listed as private (probably a recent development).

Someone should beat you until their hands get tired, you sad strange little man.


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